Welta Reflekta
Welta took over Kamera-Werk Tharandt (formerly Richter) in 1950, and immediately introduced a new version Reflekta. It's larger than the Richter version and has distinctive bulges in the front panel to the left and right of the taking lens. It was produced in several variants (all featuring the bulges) until superseded by the Weltaflex in 1955.
Lens E. Ludwig Meritar 75mm f3.5
Shutter Junior, 1/25 to 1/100
Welta Flektar
McKeown lists this model in its own right, but doesn't identify the maker. Apart from the lens, it's identical to the Reflekta and the Superflex (below), and is clearly a Reflekta variant model. For reasons unknown, both lenses, Ludwigs like the Reflekta ones, have had their name-type (Meritar?) ground off - was it perhaps sold in a market which already had a Meritar trade-name?
Lens E. Ludwig (Meritar??) 75mm f3.5
Shutter Blitz I, 1/25 to 1/100

Welta Peerflekta II
Also post-WW2, unusual name variant of more common Reflekta II (next). Stamped "Germany USSR Occupied". McKeown says c1956 - seems way too late for the USSR-occupied tag to me!
Lens Pololyt 75mm f3.5
Shutter Vebur 1 to 1/250

Welta Reflekta II
Practically identical to the Peerflekta (above), but just says "Made in Germany". I think it's probably a little later model? Anyone know better? There is apparently a Reflekta III which I haven't seen.
Lens Meyer Trioplan 75mm f3.5
Shutter Vebur 1 to 1/250

Welta Superflex
Another variant of the Reflekta. McKeown says made for Penn Camera Co. in New York. Marked "Made in Germany (Soviet Ocupied)". Very like the Flektar.
Lens ROW Polyoyt 75mm f3.5
Shutter Blitz I 1/25 to 1/100

Welta Weltaflex
Probably the most common Welta of all. Superseded the Reflekta series in mid-50s. Apparently early ones had a black nameplate - I've never seen it.
Lens Ludwig Meritar 75mm f3.5
Shutter Vebur 1 to 1/250