Eho-Altissa Altiflex IH
The eighth and last variant of the series I Altiflex model, this one in quite nice condition. It has an unusual focusing arrangement by a lever on the side which rotates both lenses simultaneously. This is oOne of those rather tricky TLRs where the whole mechanism slides out of the body in order to change the film (from the front in this case).
Taking lens is Victar 75mm f4.5
Shutter unnamed 1/25 to 1/100

Eho-Altissa Altiflex 1E Meter
A slightly earlier version, but arguably the best of the series, with a rather good lens/shutter set. It is fitted with the optional extra extinction lightmeter in front of the nameplate. This model has an unusual "tacked-on" structure on the right side, designed to provide double exposure prevention. The explanation I have of how it works I have is in German and difficult to follow, but appears to involve a linkage to the red film-position window. If you know more, please email me!
Taking lens is Laack Pololyt 80mm f2.9
Shutter Compur 1 to 1/300