Piotr Wróbel-Trzeciak wrote (September 2007):
"I would like to tell you some information about the family of START tlr cameras.
As you stated at your website, these cameras were produced by WZFO that, after a merger, were incorporated by PZO - the Polish Optical Enterprises in Warsaw (est. 1921). The PZO factory still exists in Warsaw (address: ul. Grochowska no. 316/320, Warsaw) but unfortunately they gave up with the photographic equipment manufacturing and and now are in the microscopy and medical products business.
As far as the START TLR cameras are concerned, the last two models were: START 66 and START 66S. The START 66 is shown at your website (in production from 1967 to 1970). The START 66 S was the latest model with the same shutter and lenses as START 66.The only difference is that START 66 S enjoys an automatic frame counter, so you do not need to observe the primitive red glass window at the back of the camera in order to advance the film properly. This feature of START 66 S is common with START II, but START II was fitted with a film crank, whereas START 66 S is supported by a film knob known from START 66.
Anyway, mechanically the START II is the most advanced camera of the whole family. Another difference is that START 66 and START 66 S were made of the steel plates whereas the earlier cameras were made of the alloy casts (better mechanically but more heavy).
The START 66 and START 66 S had new shutter using more modern sequence of speeds (B, 1/15, 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/250), whereas the earlier STARTs had: B, 1/10, 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200 sequence (START II had: B, 1/10, 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/250).
All START cameras were fitted with the f:3.5 'triplet anastigmat' (or 'Cook triplet') type of lens. EUKTAR lens in the earlier cameras and EMITAR lens in START 66 and START 66S. I know from some web pages that EMITARs were assembled using the (east) German elements whereas EUKTARs were made of elements from WZFO.
Comparing to Rolleiflexes, Autocords etc., the STARTs were not exciting, but I saw on the web some pictures taken by START 66 (probably at f:11 of f:16) that were just wonderful (tack sharp and very plastic)."