Minoltaflex 1 (early)
Very first Japanese TLR 1936/7. This particular camera is one of the earliest and in quite nice condition . Based on the Rolleicord but with Zeiss Ikoflex-style top.
Lens Promar Anastigmat 75mm f3.5
Shutter is Crown II-Tiyoko 1 to 1/300

Minoltaflex 1 (later)
This camera comes from a bit later on in the Minoltaflex run. It looks a little better made, but is not so tidy as my earlier one. I need to do restoration on it.
Taking lens is Promar 75mm f3.5
Shutter is Crown II-Tiyoko 1 to 1/300

Minolta Automat
The Automat launch followed the Mk 1 Minoltaflex, and is the equivalent of the Rolleiflex, with lever film advance. It also has the Ikoflex-style viewing hood
Taking lens is Promar 75mm f3.5
Shutter is Crown II-Tiyoko 1 to 1/300
Minoltaflex 2
Substantially revised model. The front panel is very similar to the earlier models, but the Rokkor lenses have arrived and it looks more modern. A very nice, clean early camera.
Taking lens Chiyoko Rokkor 75mm f3.5
Shutter is S-Konan Rapid 1 to 1/500

Minoltaflex 3
This is the last of the 17-year Minoltaflex series, and follows the knob-wind pattern of the Minoltaflex 1 and 2. Bay III filter mounts to the lenses match with Sugiyama's date of 1954.
Taking lens Chiyoko Rokkor 75mm f3.5
Shutter Seikosha Rapid 1 to 1/500

Rather strange intermediate model, a bit downgraded shutter from the Minoltaflex, but with crank advance like later Autocords, to which it is very similar, but without Rollei-bay filter surrounds.
Lens Chiyoko Promar SIII 75mm f3.5
Shutter is Optipiper MXS 1 to 1/400

Minoltacord Automat
I think this must be the last model made before all Minolta TLRs became Autocords. From appearance, it was probably made in parallel with the Autocords, with a slightly lower shutter spec and no settings window above the taking lens.
Lens Chiyoko Rokkor 75mm f3.5
Shutter is Citizen 1 to 1/300

Autocord CdS I
The CdS series get their name from the coupled meter fitted, which gives these models a unique appearance amongst TLRs. Otherwise it's very like the standard Autocord I. This one's nice - here with auxiliary Minolta close-up lenses.
Taking lens is Minolta Rokkor 75mm f3.5
Shutter is Citizen MVL 1 to 1/500

Autocord CdS III
The very last last of the Autocords. It's fitted with a switch between 120/220 film and a 1-24 counter which distinguish it from the Cds I. In mint condition - very nice.
Taking lens is Minolta Rokkor 75mm f3.5
Shutter is Citizen MVL 1 to 1/500

Autocord I
This is the unmetered standard model equivalent to the CdS I. It is distinguishable from earlier models by little "Minolta" breaking the oval on nameplate.
Taking lens is Minolta Rokkor 75mm f3.5
Shutter is Citizen MVL 1 to 1/500
Autocord LMX
Early-ish metered model with sensor under nameplate. This one is shown here fitted with Autopole coupled polarisers.
Taking lens is Chiyoko Rokkor 75mm f3.5
Shutter is Seikosha MX 1 to 1/500
Autocord RG v1 (very early)
One of the first RG series cameras (big selling) 1961. This one is in nice condition. Shown with original metal lenscaps.
Taking lens is Chiyoko Rokkor 75mm f3.5
Shutter is Optipiper MVL 1 to 1/500

Autocord RG v1
A bit newer RG series camera, but not in such nice condition. It needs some restoration work when I have the time...
Taking lens is Minolta Rokkor 75mm f3.5
Shutter is Optipiper MVL 1 to 1/500
Autocord RG v3 (late model)
One of the last RG series cameras from 1964, in fairly good condition. Needs some tidying up to make it really nice.
Taking lens is Minolta Rokkor 75mm f3.5
Shutter is Citizen MVL 1 to 1/500