Beautycord TKK
So-called because it has "TKK" in large letters on the nameplate. A pretty basic camera, well-made with a rim-set shutter. Early '50s -
this one's rather scruffy.
Taking lens is J Beauty 80mm f3.5
Shutter is Beauty FB 1/10 to 1/200 |

Beautycord S
The S model from around 1955 is fairly similar to the "TKK" (left), and looks to use the same body, possibly produced simultaneously. Slightly more upmarket.
Taking lens is Tri-Lausar 80mm f3.5
Shutter is TKK 1/10 to 1/200 |
Beautycord (unknown model)
This is a bit of an oddball item. Neither Sugiyama nor McKeown mentions it, and it looks like a bit of a hybrid between the Beautycord and Beautyflex (although the boudaries are very blurred anyway). So far as I know, the better shutter on this appears on no other Beauty model, but Taiyodo were known to use mixed parts in the course of a model run, presumably as availability and price varied.
Taking lens is Tri-Lausar 80mm f3.5
Shutter is CHY-FB 1 to 1/300 |

Beautyflex III
An early geared-lens model, with a "T" logo on the lid. It has only a marginally better specification than the 'Cords; the Doimer lens seems to have been used generally on early 'Flexes, although whether it is much better than the Tri-Lausar I doubt. Thought to be c1950.
Taking lens is Doimer 80mm f3.5
Shutter is TKK 1/10 to 1/200
Beautyflex IV (early model)
Differs from the later model IV shown in Sugiyama, and I'm sure this is a transitional model c.1951 from the III to the later IV. It lacks the stylised and Amiflex-like lens surround of the later IV and V in Sugiyama.
Taking lens is Doimer 80mm f3.5
Shutter is TKK 1/10 to 1/200

Beautyflex V
The model V is similar to the later model IV shown in Sugiyama, with its ratherodd Amiflex-like lens surround. Key differences are the standard Beauty rounded triangle logo on the top, with a change to an "Etoal" shutter with front-mounted release, a synch plug socket bottom right, and a modified catch for the back.
Taking lens is Doimer 80mm f3.5
Shutter is Etoal 1/10 to 1/200 |

Beautyflex D (Synchro)
The D model seems to have been produced in several variants around 1955, all pretty similar, with only shutters differing, and a varying angle of the small M-X plate under the synch switch (above and right of taking lens). They all have an unusual lens combination, with Tri-Lausar viewing lens matching the Biokor.
Taking lens is Biokor 80mm f3.5
Shutter is Synchro MX 1 to 1/300 |

Beautyflex D (Rectus)
This one has an interesting metal telescoping lenshood fitted, with which it came. Rather a nice feature allowing it to stay on in the ever-ready carrying case. As the previous one, this has the M-X plate on the diagonal.
Taking lens is Biokor 80mm f3.5
Shutter is Rectus MX 1 to 1/300
Beautyflex D (Copal)
This camera is the same as the D shown in Sugiyama - I don't know whether this makes it the original version D. Unlike my other two, this one has the M-X plate vertical, not diagonal.
Taking lens is Biokor 80mm f3.5
Shutter is Copal MX 1 to 1/300 |

Beautyflex S
Rather confusingly, this is an earlier model than the D from 1954. This particular camera is quite nice condition and well-looked-after
Taking lens is Beauty 80mm f3.5
Shutter is NKS-FB MX 1 to 1/300

Beautyflex T
This (1954) is fairly similar to the S above, but lacks the linking moulding between the lenses. Cosmetic differences and minor lens/shutter variations also distinguish it from its predecessor.
Taking lens is FC Telmer 80mm f3.5
Shutter is TKK MX 1 to 1/300

This model, with the "Beauty" name appears to have been primarily sold in Japan
- it normally doesn't turn up elsewhere. There is some confusion about which model it is. Sugiyama - I suspect authoritatively - simply names it the Beauty, but identifies a very unusual f3.1 lens variant (otherwise identical) as the Beauty IIIS - it has a visibly large lens pair in Sugiyama's photos. McKeown I think muddles the two, listing a Beauty and a Beauty S with apparently identical attributes. Either way, it is effectively a nameplate variant of the Beautyflex S above.
Taking lens is FC Telmer 80mm f3.5
Shutter is TKK MX 1 to 1/300
Beautyflex 2.8 (no bayonet)
A very rare model. The three 2.8 models are among only a very few TLRs which have these larger lenses - the best known of course being Rolleiflex models (q.v.). The 2.8 is uncommon, but most are fitted with Rollei-type Bayonet III filter mount to the object lens (see the next one here). This is earlier, and has none. I've never heard of another with this pre-bayonet lens surround.
Taking lens is Cantor 80mm f2.8
Shutter is Copal 1 to 1/200 |
Beautyflex 2.8 (single Bay III)
Slightly later than the previous camera, this 2.8 model is the very slightly more common Bay III Rolleiflex-compatible version. This means it can use filters which fit the Rolleiflex 2.8 Planar/Xenotar lens series (the top-end models). However, the Bay III mounting is restricted to the lower, taking lens
Taking lens is Cantor 80mm f2.8
Shutter is Copal 1 to 1/200
Beautyflex 2.8 (double Bay III)
Another very rare item, with Bay III mounts on both lenses. It's the only one I've ever seen, and I obtained it direct from a Japanese sale. Apart from this difference, it is again identical to the other 2.8 models above
Taking lens is Cantor 80mm f2.8
Shutter is Copal 1 to 1/200 |