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Yashica 124G
This is the final crowning glory of the Yashica TLR range, and widely recognised as being in the same league as contemporary Rolleiflexes. This camera not mint, but is in excellent condition with a few minor surface blemishes, and missing the locking ring for the shutter release and the magnifier in the viewfinder. Neither of these is crucial, and they do not stop this being an excellent user camera for a keen photographer, or a nice display for the collector. Lens is a Yashinon 80mm, shutter speeds range from 1 to 1/500 second. Built-in match-needle exposure meter.
A nice Yashica Mat form earlier in the series. The lens is a Yashinon f3.5 80mm and the shutter is the Copal MXV with speeds from 1 sec to 1/500 plus bulb , it is flash synchronised at all speeds and there is delayed action. the film lever wind also cocks the shutter. The shutter is whisper quiet making the camera inobtrusive in use. The viewfinder has grid markings, a flip-up focussing magnifier and a sports finder. This camera is in good working condition, with shutter speeds generally appropriate ( shade long at very slow speeds). The lens is pretty clean and the whole camera, whilst not mint, is in excellent all-round condition.
Seagull 4A
A very nice example of this very useable modern Chinese TLR. The Seagull is the basis for a whole panoply of TLRs, made in several diiferent factories across China. It's also the original and the best of them. This particular camera is in very-near mint condition, with only a couple of very minor traces to show it has ever been remov
 ed from its packaging. Lens is a Haiou 75mm 3.5; shutter speeds range from B, 1 to 1/300. A nice camera for the user or for display.
MPP Microflex
The last TLR model made by the UK firm Micro Precision Products, briefly a leader in quality cameras during the nineteen-fifties. This is the rarest version, with crank wind (like the Rolleiflex) and a large window over the viewing lens to show the exposure, speed and "EV" settings. This camera is in very good external condition and would make a very nice display item, but for use, it requires some work to sort out the shutter, which frequently jams. Lens is an MPP Micronar 75mm 3.5 in nice condition; shutter is Prontor SVS.
A postwar German camera from Welta of Dresden. The Weltaflex was the culmination of a long line of related cameras, commencing with the prewar Richter models, and progressing through several variants. This particular camera is in slightly tatty condition, missing strap lugs, red window at rear; and with some scrapes to the leathercloth and paint at the rear. The lens surround has a reddish discolouration tinge to the black paint. It would make a reasonable display camera for a collector. Vebur shutter B, 1 to 1/250, Ludwig lens 75mm 3.5